So, it’s that time of the year again. Christmas may be a distant memory but it’s the start of a brand new year and many of us are thinking about the little things we would like to do to make 2018 even better than 2017.
Helping Irish Businesses to Minimise Data Leaks in 2018
Here at AMI, we’ve been thinking about what Irish companies can to this year to minimise the risk of data leaks and ensure that their old IT equipment is securely disposed of. We’ve come up with a number of tips that will go some way towards helping companies to safeguard their assets. Following this advice could significantly improve your organisation’s information security stature. As well as this, we promise that it will be easier to keep our resolutions than follow through on any promises that you’ve made yourself of going to the gym every day!
Resolution No. 1 – Prepare an Asset List to Manage IT Equipment
AMI’s first recommendation for the new year is for companies to prepare an asset list that will help them to manage equipment that is being disposed of. Keeping asset lists is common practice among companies having new equipment delivered, as a count is often made against the purchase invoice and matched to the delivery. However, it is our experience that at the end-of-life stage, when the time comes for machines to be replaced, organisations rarely pay the same attention to detail when accounting for old machines.
This is extremely risky, as without comprehensive asset lists, companies risk misplacing end-of-life desktops, laptops or other IT equipment. This could have a serious impact on an organisation, given the fact that these machines could contain several gigabytes of sensitive business information. Having a prepared asset list can help companies to avoid the situation of having originally purchased 50 new PCs, but only having 48 to dispose of, with no idea of where the remaining two might have gone.
An Asset Register Makes it Simple to Account for Every Machine
Ensuring that all equipment is assigned to an asset register makes it a simple process to account for every machine and hard drive. AMI provides detailed reports to make it easy for our clients to manage their asset registers, guaranteeing traceability when it comes to asset retirement.
Following steps like this and working with a specialist IT retirement provider like AMI will take the complexity out of IT retirement. AMI works closely with 25% of Ireland’s top 200 ICT user organisations, including data centres, banks, blue chip organisations and government departments to eliminate their exposure to data leaks stemming from disposal of old IT equipment.
Contact us today to find out how AMI can help your organisation to make IT retirement one less thing to worry about in 2018.